Mindsets Matter with PESA WA Chapter 17 JuneJun 2021 04:30pm - 06:30pm Australia/Perth

Join Fiona Boylan who will discuss what mindsets are, why mindsets matter for learning and how you can support the development of a growth mindset in your students.

Fiona is currently a Lecturer in Early Childhood studies in the School of Education at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, and a PhD student. Fiona has extensive experience teaching in early childhood settings and the early years of school. Her research interests centre on developing children’s non-cognitive skills to enhance their learning capabilities and developing children’s agency towards learning. In particular, she has focused on the work of Carol Dweck on mindset theory and is now researching the implementation of fixed and growth mindset theory in the early years context for her PhD.

Nicole Dhue, Health and wellbeing coordinator at Marmion Primary School, will share Marmion Primary School's Positive Education Journey, and how the school has embedded mindset theory as part of their Positive Education approach. Nicole will also invite you to join her on a school tour.

Nicole has been a classroom teacher for 30 years. Her first appointment in a remote community school located in the Gibson Desert was followed by an appointment to a difficult to staff school in a lower socio-economic area in the northern suburbs of Perth. She has taught all primary year levels and has undertaken specialist roles from Technologies Specialist, Physical Education Specialist and Visual Arts Specialist. Nicole maintains her ongoing connection to students in the classroom by undertaking a dual role of upper primary classroom teacher along with the Specialist Arts Teacher role.

Over the last six years Nicole has invested time and energy in a personal journey to find ways to help students authentically develop positive mind sets. She is passionate about giving students strategies to lead fulfilling and successful lives where resilience is a key to preventing ill mental health. Nicole is enthusiastic, motivated, and dedicated in her role as Health and Wellbeing Coordinator. It is her commitment to the students and staff of Marmion Primary School to establish an environment of positive risk-taking and a have-a-go attitude where everyone develops the will and opportunity to led flourishing lives. With this commitment and her ongoing passion,  she introduced Positive Education to the whole school community.

All welcome! Places are limited so please click here to register.

  FREE for PESA members
$20 - includes one-month trial PESA membership

Full-Time Students
$29 - includes one-year student PESA membership

With thanks to our WA Chapter and our host school, Marmion Primary School.

This promises to be a fascinating presentation - we hope you'll join us!

Thursday 17 June 2021 at 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Marmion Primary School
7 Cliverton Court, , Marmion, WA



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