Creating Belonging and Psychological Safety

Online via Zoom

Proudly brought to you by the Langley Group Institute (RTO #40655). Psychological safety is a shared belief held by members of a group that it is OK to take risks, to express ideas and concerns, to speak up with questions, communicate, and to admit mistakes — all without fear of negative consequences. Psychological safety is […]

Connected School Communities

Online via Zoom

Research shows that community and belonging are vital to overall wellbeing—but how do we bring these insights to life in schools? This session will provide practical strategies to cultivate deeper connections, strengthen school communities, and enhance both student and staff wellbeing. Walk away with actionable steps to create a more inclusive, supportive, and thriving educational […]

Wellbeing Education in WA Schools

Corpus Christi College 50 Murdoch Drive, Bateman, WA, Australia

Join us for an engaging and interactive networking event dedicated to PESA's Semester 1 Professional Learning theme: Starting Well. At this event, we will explore key insights from PESA’s Term 1 online PD sessions to help foster positive learning environments for the year ahead: 🔹 Creating Belonging and Psychological Safety 🔹 Connected School Communities This event is an […]