R U OK? Day

September 12, 2024Blog

  Today is R U OK day, a valuable reminder to check in with those around us. But supporting mental health is more than a single day event, just like watering a tree once a year can be helpful, it’s not enough for it to thrive! 🌱 The R U OK? Day website has many educator … Read More

Research Summary: New PISA data shows the importance of positive classrooms for mathematics achievement.

September 5, 2024Blog

Summary by Tania Linnerston, Knox Grammar School. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an international comparative study of student performance directed by the OECD. PISA measures the cumulative outcomes of education by assessing how well 15-year-olds are prepared to use their knowledge and skills in particular areas to meet real-world opportunities and challenges. … Read More