Today is R U OK day, a valuable reminder to check in with those around us. But supporting mental health is more than a single day event, just like watering a tree once a year can be helpful, it’s not enough for it to thrive! 🌱

The R U OK? Day website has many educator resources for Early Education, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Universities & TAFE.

We love all of the resources with the following stand outs: 

  • Early education: Recognising Kind Behaviours lesson plan which identifies and celebrates kind behaviours and the resulting feelings using a tree and leaves. This activity can also make a great mural and a way for parents/ carers to get involved.
  • Primary school: The Strengths in Others (Year 4) activity highlights the strengths of a person who makes a good friend and reflecting on their own strengths through adversity. The extension task includes identifying strengths and adding to petals of a flower (in line with the nature theme!).
  • Secondary school: Different ways to ask “are you OK?” (Year 7). Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to say to a friend, peer or family member when you are worried. This activity explains why it’s important to check in with people and brainstorm different ways to ask the question. 
  • University/ TAFE: These articles provide support and practical tips to #FriendBetter depending on the particular situation that a young person may be experiencing. Some topics include sexuality and gender, online behaviour, exam stress and financial stress. 

Let’s commit to being proactive, regularly asking, “Are you really okay?” and fostering meaningful conversations and connections year round. Together, we can build a culture of continuous care and support. Every day is an opportunity to make a difference to someone – one conversation could change a life.