Our Ambassadors and Chair
Dr Martin E.P Seligman
PESA Patron
Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman is a global leading authority in the fields of Positive Psychology, resilience, learned helplessness, depression, optimism and pessimism, and is often credited as the father of Positive Psychology. He is also a recognised authority on interventions that prevent depression, and build strengths and well-being. He is the Director of the Penn Positive Psychology Center and Zellerbach Family Professor of Psychology in the Penn Department of Psychology. He is also Director of the Penn Master of Applied Positive Psychology program (MAPP). He was President of the American Psychological Association in 1998, during which one of his presidential initiatives was the promotion of Positive Psychology as a field of scientific study. He has written more than 350 scholarly publications and 30 books. Read a message from our ambassador here.
Professor Lea Waters PhD
PESA Ambassador
It is an honour to serve as the Ambassador for PESA. For more than a decade PESA has empowered schools and educational institutions to integrate wellbeing science into the fabric of their culture by building knowledge and capacities in educators to create lessons and experiences that bolster academic success and states of thriving in young people. PESA has held stead-fast to ensuring their offerings are grounded in science and that the programs and strategies endorsed by this associating are evidence-based and high-impact. By accessing PESA membership, schools will be empowered to curate sustainable, long-term positive outcomes not only for their students but also for their staff. PESA’s membership is accessible from anywhere, which positions PESA to support metro, regional, rural and remote schools. This is an Association the embodies its philosophy and core mission and becoming a member opens you to high quality offerings, PL by leading experts and access to a national network of passionate educators.
Leonie Abbott
PESA Chair
Leonie Abbott is a highly regarded professional who converts theoretical concepts into practical tactics. With expertise at the intersection between trauma-aware and wellbeing pedagogies, she has influenced pedagogical change in thousands of classrooms. Her current role as Head of Student Wellbeing provides Leonie with on-the-ground experience working with students and teachers. Leonie’s considerable experience working as a Senior Consultant at Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) and Assistant Director, co-founder & co-author of the Berry Street Education Model has strengthened her resolve towards influencing change generally and especially in education. She has spent the last few years applying a trauma-aware perspective as a teacher practitioner in her current leadership role at Wesley College. Leonie has faithfully served on the PESA board for two terms and is keen to continue this service for a final term. Leonie see’s that PESA has the energy to unite all sectors nationally and further wellbeing outcomes for our young people and those who work with them. Read a message from Leonie here.